Christmas is marketed in fluffy and tinselling ways – in pastel colours, lots of emphasis on here today and gone tomorrow presents, chocolate and bubbly, friendly faces and cute children. The domestic reality, of course, is more mixed than that.
Christmas is marketed in fluffy and tinselling ways – in pastel colours, lots of emphasis on here today and gone tomorrow presents, chocolate and bubbly, friendly faces and cute children. The domestic reality, of course, is more mixed than that.
Dear friends, even amid the tears of this year, one so difficult, strange, hard, and painful for us all, it still makes sense to look forward with Hope.
A few months after returning home to Melbourne after my 12 month Cagliero experience in Phnom Penh, I took on the role of Assistant Director and began to work alongside Lauren in what was to be the next phase of my own Cagliero journey.
The following is a Good Night talk presented by Fr. Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, Regional Councillor for East-Asia Oceania
On February 9th of this year I visited Venezuela and there I participated in a beautiful National Encoutner with their young people. For the occasion, a young lady, Eusibeth, had written a message in her own hand, with her own words, expressing something that was very dear to her heart.