Introudcing the youngest parish of the East Asia - Oceania Region!
Saint John Bosco Parish of Nasinu, in Suva, Fiji is the baby of the Salesians in East-Asia Oceana, still in its infancy yet growing stronger day by day! Initial construction of the parish church begun last January and the presbytery has finally been opened but until now, the Parish hall has not been able to be completed, due to a year-long delay in the delivery of vital steel.
Despite such setbacks, the daily life of the large and growing parish community marches on. It is organized into 8 sub-centres, with two main halls that include chapels at Munikoso and Makoi, where Eucharist is celebrated. Currently only the Parish priest is able to live on-site at the future parish church and youth centre.
Ever since solemn blessing on the 19th of November 2017, the various members of the parish have begun to meld together into a cohesive community. The sense of belonging to the new parish is fostered through increased involvement in the common services and liturgy, as well as with increasing collections.The people of God in the parish are quite varied; naturally, the majority nationality is Fijian, but there are also many migrants from neibhouring countries such as Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and other such pacific islands.
The presence and involvement of the formation community (Rector Fr. Paselio Tevaga with 3 formators and 7 Salesians in initial formation) in the parish life enriches both sides. Our parishioners are slowly coming to a strong understanding of who Don Bosco is, and that we are not just 'Salesian Fathers' but that our Congregation is made up of Brothers, Priests and candidates to the priesthood.
This new Salesian parish are becoming more deeply rooted in the Fijian Church, which is currently celebrating its Synod with a beautiful prayer: "Jesus, fill the Archdiocese of Suva with your Holy Spirit, so that connecting In You and our Neighbour, We be your Heart and Mind, Eyes and Ears, Hands and Feet to all Creation. Amen!"
Please, remember us in your prayers, that the new parish community may grow in numbers, in mutual bonds as one large family animated by our Salesian community!
Republished from Boscolink.
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