The Salesians are here for you!
The experience of being greeted genuinely by a receptionist either in person or over the phone like ‘How can I help you?’ is something unique. This has the power to change the mood of a person for the better. The experience becomes even sweeter when being accompanied with a smile!
Salesians all around the world are blessed with lay people, Christians and non-Christians alike, including precious young people who play vital roles in their life and ministry. Salesian life loses its meaning and becomes joyless without participation from lay people. The intention of St John Bosco is that they all form a family for the glory of God and the good of the young. The glory of God is the glory of the Church made up of believers like you and me.
In the last few months, Salesians all over the world have been asking a question to themselves and to you, ‘What kind of Salesian for the youth of today?’
The very core of Salesian life is their readiness to fulfil the needs of others while fulfilling their religious duties. Don Bosco had fulfilled the needs of the young for the good of the society with help from his own mother and many other lay collaborators. He provided leadership roles and opportunities to senior young people under his care to help in his mission.
In the charism of St John Bosco, Salesians have been helping the needs of the young all around the world since 1859. They have also been in Australia since 1923, and have now ventured into Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand. Recently, Salesian delegates of the Province of Mary Help of Christians (Australia-Pacific) gathered together with lay collaborators and young people to reflect on how they can serve lay people better.
Salesian Brothers and Priests will appreciate any advice and support from you. All I say on their behalf is ‘How can we help you? Please, let us know – we are listening!
If you have anything that you would like to suggest to the Salesians, you can contact the Provincial by following this link.
Republished from the Australian Salesian Bulletin - Winter 2019
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