Xavier Quinn is a current Cagliero Volunteer in Timor-Leste. His Salesian journey started much earlier however, having grown up with close connections to the Salesian family all his life.
Xavier Quinn is a current Cagliero Volunteer in Timor-Leste. His Salesian journey started much earlier however, having grown up with close connections to the Salesian family all his life.
On Saturday 29 June, I flew from my tiny island of Tasmania, stopping briefly in Melbourne to pick up the mainlanders and then we all flew onto Cambodia for the 2019 Cagliero Immersion trip.
Kakada was an exceptionally quiet boy; shy and very hesitant to do anything that would make him stand out. Of course, this is only natural for any boy of his age at a new school and seeing a foreigner for the first time! Yet, all it took for him to come out of his shell was just a moment of interaction, a mere second or two of interest.
The title of this article is a lie - of course I want a job! Do I want a job as much as I feel that I need a job? No. As much as somewhere inside me there is an urge for a job, if I were to get a job tomorrow, it would be purely to fulfil my financial needs. “Isn’t that why everyone has a job?” I hear you ask, and to that I answer: “well, maybe it is but oh how I hope I (we) can work for so much more”!